Advanced Dentistry & Oral Surgery Services
New Zealand Veterinary Dentistry offers a full, comprehensive range of specialty services in companion animal dentistry and oral surgery, as well as in-clinic training modules for veterinary clinics across New Zealand.

Periodontal Surgery
Periodontal surgery addresses diseases of the periodontium, being the gingiva, alveolar bone, periodontal ligament and cementum. The following is a list of common periodontal surgery offered (but not limited to):
Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment and Treatment (COHAT)
Periodontal prophylaxis including subgingival root planing (closed/open)
Treatment of aggressive and/ or chronic periodontitis
Advanced periodontal flap surgery
Gingivectomy/ gingivoplasty for gingival enlargement
Guided tissue regeneration
Endodontic treatment specifically treats diseases of the pulp. Commonly this involves salvaging damaged teeth with pulpal exposure or necrosis so that the pet can retain the function and structure of the tooth without pain or discomfort. Endodontic procedures offered include:
Standard root canal therapy (single rooted teeth)
Standard root canal therapy (multiple rooted teeth)
Vital pulpotomy/ direct pulp capping
Indirect pulp capping
Surgical endodontics (apicoectomy)

Advanced Oral Surgery
NZVD provides the highest standard of care in advanced oral surgery, including the use of a state-of-the-art, less traumatic and minimally invasive piezoelectric surgery unit. Advanced oral surgery procedures offered are as listed below (but not limited to):
Complicated/ difficult surgical extractions (e.g. impacted/malformed teeth, root displacement/ retained roots, extractions carrying risk of mandibular jaw fracture)
Maxillectomy/ mandibulectomy procedures
Oral cyst debridement and enucleation
Acute/ chronic oronasal fistula repair
Cleft palate repair (primary/ secondary)
Tongue (lingual) surgery
Non-invasive mandibular fracture repair
Surgical treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders
Restoratives/ Prosthodontics

Restorative dentistry and prosthodontics are operative dentistry procedures aimed at recreating a functional crown following damage. These procedures include:
Restoration of enamel defects
Cavity/ caries debridement & restoration
Composite restoration & dentine bonded sealant application
Prosthodontics (Metal Crowns) - Crown preparation and dental impressions, cementation

Orthodontics is the field of dentistry that aims at treating traumatic malocclusions. This can be done by removal of offending teeth, movement of malpositioned teeth, or crown height reduction of malpositioned teeth. Orthodontic procedures offered by NZVD:
Interceptive extractions of deciduous/ permanent teeth
Gingivectomy/ alveolectomy
Temporary crown extensions
Inclined planes
Active force appliances
Crown reduction/ direct pulp capping
Feline Specific Dentistry
Our beautiful feline friends can be very special, and as such there are several feline specific diseases that may be tricky to navigate. Feline specifc disorders that can benefit from advanced veterinary dentistry services include:
Management of refractory chronic gingivostomatitis cases (partial mouth/ full mouth extractions, ongoing medical management)
Treatment of tooth resorption cases
Symphyseal separation/ jaw fracture
Temporomandibular joint disruptions
Management of other feline specific conditions (pyogenic granuloma, eosinophilic granuloma etc.)