Moe's Tooth Fairy Fund is an initiative founded by Dr. Crystal Loh, the owner-operator of New Zealand Veterinary Dentistry Ltd. that is on a mission to provide funding towards advanced dentistry and maxillofacial surgery treatments to rescued dogs and cats. The fund was created in memory of her beautiful soul-dog - her greyhound, Moe, who was her faithful companion for nearly 10 years, and is an initiative Dr. Crystal has been wanting to start for years since becoming interested in veterinary dentistry.
If you or someone you know would like to contribute to Moe's Tooth Fairy Fund to assist rescued animals in need, or if you wish to have further information on how the funds are used, please contact us at referrals@nzvetdentistry.com. We would love to hear from you!
Please note that Moe's Tooth Fairy Fund is NOT a registered charity and therefore all contributions are GST non-refundable. The fund will only be used to assist patients from registered rescue organisations in New Zealand and will require initial assessment and referral from their usual veterinarian.

Thrilling Moe, a.k.a. "Moe"
The dog that started it all! Moe (racing name "Thrilling Moe") was a beautiful, big black and white retired racing greyhound that Dr. Crystal had the great fortune to meet and fall in love with, only 2 months after she had moved to New Zealand from Canada!
Dr. Crystal remembers the first time she met him, he was at a lovely horse stable and his trainer said she wanted him to go to a good home, and remarked that he always wanted to be the lead of the pack. He was so inquisitive, confident, yet gentle in nature, and Dr. Crystal knew straightaway that he would become her heart dog.
Following his adoption, Moe enjoyed becoming a farm dog, running on beaches and going everywhere with Dr. Crystal, especially to her workplace where he got thoroughly spoiled by all the veterinary nurses and became well known by the clients. He demonstrated the very character of greyhounds, being a massive couch potato 95% of the time (one friend remarked that she hardly ever saw photographs of the dog on his feet!), and 5% doing zoomies in whatever room, paddock or environment he might find himself in.
Moe was adept at catching wild rabbits on the farm, easily outrunning the two farm dogs, Buck and Jack, who would go hunting with him, but at the same time gentle and kind with Dr. Crystal's two wobbly cats, Squid and Wiggles.
During his lifetime, he brought joy to adults and children alike, visiting nursing homes and long-term disability care centers, representing Greyhounds as Pets as an ambassador at their meet-n-greets, and gregariously following anyone who would have him (particularly on beaches where he would randomly tag himself onto a family walking down the beach!).
Moe had ongoing dental issues, having worn his teeth over his lifetime, which eventually resulted in tooth fractures, as well as periodontal disease, which required constant care. It was because of this that Dr. Crystal developed an interest in veterinary dentistry.
Moe crossed over to the rainbow bridge in 2016, just before the birth of Dr. Crystal's eldest son. On his final day, he sunbathed, was taken for a final trundle around the farm, ate his favourite foods, and was surrounded by those who loved him. He is buried on the farm at the top of the highest hill beneath a pine tree, where he, Dr. Crystal and her horses, and her other dogs, spent many happy hours.
Rescue: All Paws Count Murupara Trust
Here is our very special inaugural first patient - please meet the beautiful, energetic and incredibly resilient dear Panther who came through with a fractured tooth as referral from the amazing team at Barrowman and Goodman Vets! Panther is a dog that was rescued by All Paws Count Murupara Trust, a phenomenal small charitable trust based in the Bay of Plenty who do some incredible work.
Panther had a fractured right mandibular canine tooth that required a root canal treatment. This tooth had become dead and infected, and the root canal treatment removes all the infected material and fills the non-vital canal with an inert filling material that seals off the root end, and a final restorative is placed on the crown to prevent bacterial ingress through the original fracture site.
Panther woke up incredibly well from her procedure and was a complete ball of energy on her discharge, which made for some cute photos!!!! She is doing well post-operatively and we are looking forward to seeing her back for her follow up radiographs in a year.
To donate to a super worthy cause, here is more information on All Paws Count - follow them on their face book page and donate to their Givealittle!!

Rescue: SPCA Hamilton
Meet Notch! How can you not fall in love with these eyes!! He is an incredible young dog who arrived in our consult room presenting with a few abnormally formed and impacted teeth resulting from maxillofacial trauma he had sustained as a young puppy. Dr. Crystal performed some delicate oral surgery to carefully remove the abnormal teeth and clean up infected bone in that area which was causing a draining tract.
Notch was found to have an impacted and malformed upper fourth premolar tooth (carnassial) just below his eye socket that was causing infection and pain. This along with several other teeth were removed, and the surgical site closed.
Since his procedure, Dr. Crystal has seen Notch a few times - both planned and as happy coincidences! He has grown into a beautiful, happy and healthy dog with the best of homes.
To support other dogs like Notch, please follow the link to the SPCA in Hamilton:

Toby was a lucky but unlucky little fellow who was hit by a car shortly after his family adopted him. He suffered fractures of both the upper and lower jaws and required upper and lower acrylic and wire splints to stabilise the fractures and allow them to heal. His family were undergoing difficult personal circumstances and so the Moe's Tooth Fairy Fund stepped in to help save this little dog's life!
His devoted family gave him the best of care post-operatively and we are happy to report that Toby's fractures healed well, though he did require the extraction of one canine tooth due to unsalvageable damage during the trauma. He is the most gorgeous puppy and we wish him all the best for the future!